Continuing on with the listing of the important Knights of the Round Table.
Sir Galehaut (Lord of the Distant Isles) was an ambitious, towering figure of a man, and he emerged to challenge King Arthur for possession of his entire realm. In the ensuing battles it was clear that Galehaut’s forces were more than capable of defeating Arthur’s. However, Galehaut’s respect for the King’s Champion, Lancelot, was so great that he renounced certain victory and surrendered to Arthur. Lancelot accepted his companionship and the two become very close there after.
Sir Gareth was the son of Lot and of Morgause, King Arthur's sister, as well as brother to Gawain, Gaheris, Agravaine, and half brother of Mordred. Gareth came to Camelot in disguise as a kitchen boy and was set to work by Kay. Gareth was the knight that went to the aid of Lynette, to save her sister Lyonesse, from the Red Knight of the Red Lands. Along the way Gareth defeated numerous knights including Sir Perarde (the Black Knight), Sir Pertolope, (the Green Knight), Sir Perymones (the Puce Knight), and Sir Persaunte (the Indigo Knight). When he finally arrived at Lyonesse's castle, he defeated the Red Knight (Sir Ironside) and married Lyonesse. Unfortunately, he was one of the knights killed by Lancelot during the rescue of Guinevere.
Sir Gawain was King Arthur's nephew (son of Arthur's sister Morgause ) and was one of a select number of Round Table members to be referred to as the greatest knight. Gawain is often portrayed as a formidable but brash warrior, fiercely loyal to his king and family. On the Grail quest, his intentions were always the purest, but he was unable to use God's grace to see the error in his ways. Gawain was unsuccessful in his attempt to stop his brothers Agravaine and Mordred from plotting to destroy Lancelot and Guinevere. When Guinevere was sentenced to burn at the stake and Arthur deployed his best knights to guard the execution, but Gawain refused to take part in the deed even though his brothers would be there. But when Lancelot returned to rescue Guinevere, a battle between Lancelot's and Arthur's knights ensues and Gawain's brothers, except for Mordred, were killed. This turned his friendship with Lancelot into hatred, and his desire for vengeance caused him to draw Arthur into a war with Lancelot in France. In the king's absence, Mordred usurped the throne, and forced the Britons to return to Britain. Gawain was mortally wounded in battle against Mordred's armies, and wrote to Lancelot apologizing for his actions and asking for him to come to Britain to help defeat Mordred.
Sir Gingalain was the son of Sir Gawain by Blanchemal, a fay that Gawain met in the forest. Ginalain realized his desire to be a knight after he found the body of a knight in the forest and traveled to King Arthur's court to be knighted as Sir Le Bel Inconnu. After he was knighted, a messenger arrived requesting aid for the Princess of Wales, Blonde Esmerée, who was under siege by the powerful enchanter, Mabon. Gingalain rescued the Welsh princess and out of gratitude, she offered herself to him in marriage. Prior to completing this rescue mission, Gingalain encounted several adventures, among which was his defeat of Malgier le Gris, an unwanted suitor who wished to wed Pucelle aux Blanches Mains, mistress of Ile d'Or, and in certain versions, an enchantress. Pucelleis was grateful for the rescue and in gratitude, she offered Gingalain marriage along with her lands. They planned to marry, but Gingalain left to complete his rescue of the Welsh princess. He would later return to Pucelle to apologise for his abrupt departure. Following this, King Arthur held a tournament with the intent to lure Gingalain back to court, and to steer his decision of marriage more towards the newly crowned Queen of Wales. In joining the tournament, Gingalain would have to forfeit his love for Pucelle and never see her again. He decided to join the tournament regardless of the sacrifices he would have to make. Pucelle aided him with her powers, and she transported him out of her castle with a horse, a squire, and armour in order to join the tournament. Gingalain, under social pressure, eventually married the Welsh queen and later discovered that Gawain was his father.
Sir Griflet was cousin to Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere, and he was one of Arthur's chief advisors throughout his career. In Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, Griflet was one of the knights killed defending Guinevere's execution when the queen was rescued by Lancelot.
King Hoel was a legendary king of Brittany and one of the oldest characters associated with Arthurian legend. He was the son of King Budic of Brittany, and served as one of King Arthur's vassals and loyal allies. In one account, Hoel was Arthur's staunch ally, a Breton kinsman who came to his aid in Britain to help quell the revolts that arose after the young king's coronation. He proved himself to be a capable general and a respected ruler. When Arthur returned to Britain to fight his traitorous nephew Mordred, he left Hoel in charge of Gaul.
Sir Kay was Sir Ector's son and King Arthur's foster brother. He would later become seneschal to King Arthur. In most accounts, Kay's father Ector adopted the infant Arthur after Merlin took him away from his birth parents, Uther and Igraine. Ector raised him and Kay as brothers, but Arthur's parentage was revealed when he drew Excalibur at a tournament in London. Arthur, serving as squire to the newly-knighted Kay, loses his brother's sword and used Excalibur to replace it. Kay showed his characteristic opportunism when he tried to claim it was he that pulled the sword from the stone, making him the true King of the Britons, but he he later admited it was Arthur.
Sir Lamorak was the son of King Pellinore, who was one of King Arthur's earliest allies. Lamorak was known for his strength and fiery temper, and fought off thirty knights on at least two occasions. Some sources claim that Lamorak was Arthur's third best knight, behind only Lancelot and Tristan. Lamorak’s doom is the affair with Lot's widow Morgause. Gaheris caught the lovers together while Morgause was staying at Gawain's estate, and he promptly beheaded her, but lets the unarmed Lamorak go. Eventually, Lomarak was ambushed by Gawain, Gaheris, Agravaine, and Mordred, with Mordred delivering the killing blow.
King Leodegrance was Guinevere's father and keeper of the Round Table. Leodegrance had served Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's biological father and regnal predecessor, and was entrusted with the keeping of the Round Table at Uther's death. When Guinevere married Arthur, Leodegrance gave the young king the table as a wedding present.
Sir Lionel was the younger son of King Bors of Gaunnes (or Gaul) and brother of Bors the Younger. While travelling with Lancelot as a young man, Lionel was captured by the rogue knight Turquine, who whipped him with briars and threw him in the dungeon. The scenario repeated itself later while he was on the Quest for the Holy Grail, where he proved very unworthy of the blessed object by trying to kill his brother for not rescuing him. Bors had seen Lionel getting beaten and led away, but had to make a decision to save either him or a young girl being dragged in the opposite direction. He saved the girl, and thought that Lionel was dead. But Lionel escaped, and attacked Bors the next time they met. Bors proveed himself worthy of the Grail when he refused to fight back, and Lionel killed a religious hermit and Sir Calogrenant, when they tried to protect Bors from his wrath. Before he can strike his brother, however, God intervened and immobilized him. Lionel and the rest of his family follow Lancelot into exile when the affair with Guinevere was exposed. Lionel participated in the battles against Arthur's forces, and became King of Gaunnes.
Sir Lucan was the son of Duke Corneus, brother to Sir Bedivere and cousin to Sir Griflet. He was also the butler of King Arthur, and was supposed to have been in charge of the royal court, along with Bedivere the Marshal and Kay the Seneschal. In most accounts of Arthur's death, Lucan is one of the last knights at the king's side at the Battle of Camlann, and he was usually the last to die after he helps Arthur off the battlefield after he battles Mordred.
Sir Maleagant was a villain from Arthurian legend, and his infamy came as the abductor of Guinevere.
Sir Galehaut (Lord of the Distant Isles) was an ambitious, towering figure of a man, and he emerged to challenge King Arthur for possession of his entire realm. In the ensuing battles it was clear that Galehaut’s forces were more than capable of defeating Arthur’s. However, Galehaut’s respect for the King’s Champion, Lancelot, was so great that he renounced certain victory and surrendered to Arthur. Lancelot accepted his companionship and the two become very close there after.
Sir Gareth was the son of Lot and of Morgause, King Arthur's sister, as well as brother to Gawain, Gaheris, Agravaine, and half brother of Mordred. Gareth came to Camelot in disguise as a kitchen boy and was set to work by Kay. Gareth was the knight that went to the aid of Lynette, to save her sister Lyonesse, from the Red Knight of the Red Lands. Along the way Gareth defeated numerous knights including Sir Perarde (the Black Knight), Sir Pertolope, (the Green Knight), Sir Perymones (the Puce Knight), and Sir Persaunte (the Indigo Knight). When he finally arrived at Lyonesse's castle, he defeated the Red Knight (Sir Ironside) and married Lyonesse. Unfortunately, he was one of the knights killed by Lancelot during the rescue of Guinevere.
Sir Gawain was King Arthur's nephew (son of Arthur's sister Morgause ) and was one of a select number of Round Table members to be referred to as the greatest knight. Gawain is often portrayed as a formidable but brash warrior, fiercely loyal to his king and family. On the Grail quest, his intentions were always the purest, but he was unable to use God's grace to see the error in his ways. Gawain was unsuccessful in his attempt to stop his brothers Agravaine and Mordred from plotting to destroy Lancelot and Guinevere. When Guinevere was sentenced to burn at the stake and Arthur deployed his best knights to guard the execution, but Gawain refused to take part in the deed even though his brothers would be there. But when Lancelot returned to rescue Guinevere, a battle between Lancelot's and Arthur's knights ensues and Gawain's brothers, except for Mordred, were killed. This turned his friendship with Lancelot into hatred, and his desire for vengeance caused him to draw Arthur into a war with Lancelot in France. In the king's absence, Mordred usurped the throne, and forced the Britons to return to Britain. Gawain was mortally wounded in battle against Mordred's armies, and wrote to Lancelot apologizing for his actions and asking for him to come to Britain to help defeat Mordred.
Sir Gingalain was the son of Sir Gawain by Blanchemal, a fay that Gawain met in the forest. Ginalain realized his desire to be a knight after he found the body of a knight in the forest and traveled to King Arthur's court to be knighted as Sir Le Bel Inconnu. After he was knighted, a messenger arrived requesting aid for the Princess of Wales, Blonde Esmerée, who was under siege by the powerful enchanter, Mabon. Gingalain rescued the Welsh princess and out of gratitude, she offered herself to him in marriage. Prior to completing this rescue mission, Gingalain encounted several adventures, among which was his defeat of Malgier le Gris, an unwanted suitor who wished to wed Pucelle aux Blanches Mains, mistress of Ile d'Or, and in certain versions, an enchantress. Pucelleis was grateful for the rescue and in gratitude, she offered Gingalain marriage along with her lands. They planned to marry, but Gingalain left to complete his rescue of the Welsh princess. He would later return to Pucelle to apologise for his abrupt departure. Following this, King Arthur held a tournament with the intent to lure Gingalain back to court, and to steer his decision of marriage more towards the newly crowned Queen of Wales. In joining the tournament, Gingalain would have to forfeit his love for Pucelle and never see her again. He decided to join the tournament regardless of the sacrifices he would have to make. Pucelle aided him with her powers, and she transported him out of her castle with a horse, a squire, and armour in order to join the tournament. Gingalain, under social pressure, eventually married the Welsh queen and later discovered that Gawain was his father.
Sir Griflet was cousin to Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere, and he was one of Arthur's chief advisors throughout his career. In Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur, Griflet was one of the knights killed defending Guinevere's execution when the queen was rescued by Lancelot.
King Hoel was a legendary king of Brittany and one of the oldest characters associated with Arthurian legend. He was the son of King Budic of Brittany, and served as one of King Arthur's vassals and loyal allies. In one account, Hoel was Arthur's staunch ally, a Breton kinsman who came to his aid in Britain to help quell the revolts that arose after the young king's coronation. He proved himself to be a capable general and a respected ruler. When Arthur returned to Britain to fight his traitorous nephew Mordred, he left Hoel in charge of Gaul.
Sir Kay was Sir Ector's son and King Arthur's foster brother. He would later become seneschal to King Arthur. In most accounts, Kay's father Ector adopted the infant Arthur after Merlin took him away from his birth parents, Uther and Igraine. Ector raised him and Kay as brothers, but Arthur's parentage was revealed when he drew Excalibur at a tournament in London. Arthur, serving as squire to the newly-knighted Kay, loses his brother's sword and used Excalibur to replace it. Kay showed his characteristic opportunism when he tried to claim it was he that pulled the sword from the stone, making him the true King of the Britons, but he he later admited it was Arthur.
Sir Lamorak was the son of King Pellinore, who was one of King Arthur's earliest allies. Lamorak was known for his strength and fiery temper, and fought off thirty knights on at least two occasions. Some sources claim that Lamorak was Arthur's third best knight, behind only Lancelot and Tristan. Lamorak’s doom is the affair with Lot's widow Morgause. Gaheris caught the lovers together while Morgause was staying at Gawain's estate, and he promptly beheaded her, but lets the unarmed Lamorak go. Eventually, Lomarak was ambushed by Gawain, Gaheris, Agravaine, and Mordred, with Mordred delivering the killing blow.
King Leodegrance was Guinevere's father and keeper of the Round Table. Leodegrance had served Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's biological father and regnal predecessor, and was entrusted with the keeping of the Round Table at Uther's death. When Guinevere married Arthur, Leodegrance gave the young king the table as a wedding present.
Sir Lionel was the younger son of King Bors of Gaunnes (or Gaul) and brother of Bors the Younger. While travelling with Lancelot as a young man, Lionel was captured by the rogue knight Turquine, who whipped him with briars and threw him in the dungeon. The scenario repeated itself later while he was on the Quest for the Holy Grail, where he proved very unworthy of the blessed object by trying to kill his brother for not rescuing him. Bors had seen Lionel getting beaten and led away, but had to make a decision to save either him or a young girl being dragged in the opposite direction. He saved the girl, and thought that Lionel was dead. But Lionel escaped, and attacked Bors the next time they met. Bors proveed himself worthy of the Grail when he refused to fight back, and Lionel killed a religious hermit and Sir Calogrenant, when they tried to protect Bors from his wrath. Before he can strike his brother, however, God intervened and immobilized him. Lionel and the rest of his family follow Lancelot into exile when the affair with Guinevere was exposed. Lionel participated in the battles against Arthur's forces, and became King of Gaunnes.
Sir Lucan was the son of Duke Corneus, brother to Sir Bedivere and cousin to Sir Griflet. He was also the butler of King Arthur, and was supposed to have been in charge of the royal court, along with Bedivere the Marshal and Kay the Seneschal. In most accounts of Arthur's death, Lucan is one of the last knights at the king's side at the Battle of Camlann, and he was usually the last to die after he helps Arthur off the battlefield after he battles Mordred.
Sir Maleagant was a villain from Arthurian legend, and his infamy came as the abductor of Guinevere.
Paladin Series Summary
For ease of reading, I will provide the links to all the blogs in the series:
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